
With a heart dedicated to defending animals, Christine expresses her unwavering beliefs through powerful statements such as “meat is murder” and “no animal wants to die.” Her journey into the world of veganism is not just a lifestyle choice but a conscious decision to stand against cruelty. Christine’s commitment goesRead More →


Trpti’s journey to become a leader in fitness as a vegan bodybuilder began unexpectedly from her work as a professional artist. Trpti has always been a passionate artist, starting from a young age, she’s worked and studied hard to achieve a Diploma in Illustration and Design. During a break fromRead More →

𝙑𝙀𝙂𝘼𝙉 𝙁𝙊𝙊𝘿𝙄𝙀 🍓 | 🌱 Ine-Mari Berq

Ine embarked on a vegan journey nearly two years ago. On one particular evening, while experiencing the weight of a challenging day, Ine sought solace in a touching movie. Without much consideration, Ine turned to a Google search for “Movies to cry to” and decided to give “Okja” a chance.Read More →


何欣芩医师,是一位在慈济医疗志业体担任职务的医生。她的职业道路不仅仅是医治疾病,更是关注人类与动物的共存与相互关系。观察到人类对动物的饲养与虐待的残酷画面,以及取得食物的不人道手段,特别是对鸡蛋与牛奶的获取方式,让她深感人类的杀业之重。Read More →