I’ve created a custom 1-1 (w)holistic online program for those that are searching to find overall wellness through easy plant-based eating and approachable fitness!

Maggie | Plant Based Nutritionist & Fitness Coach

Let’s lay a solid foundation, get back to the basics, ditch diets, fall in love with movements, and create life-long solutions!

Maggie | Plant Based Nutritionist & Fitness Coach

This program is for those that are ready for change and take control of their health physically and mentally! Perhaps, you…

  • struggle with finding time in your demanding schedule and want so badly to feel confident in your body, energized, and alive!
  • are afraid to enjoy your social life to the fullest because you wake up feeling guilty for over indulging
  • are frustrated with jumping from diets to cleanses only to come back to your uncomfortable weight
  • are sick of signing up for intense workout programs telling you to “push harder” or “run more” only to leave you physically exhausted and a failure when you are unable to keep up
  • are intimidated by the gym and don’t know how to maintain consistency that also caters to your lifestyle

Whatever it is that brought you here, LET’S WORK TOGETHER to set you up for success!


  • Easy, approachable, exercise routines (guided video) sent straight to your phone
  • Bite size nutrition education so you learn to properly fuel your body
  • Unlimited messaging access so you feel fully supported and have accountability
  • Weekly check-ins so we know what steps to take forward
  • FeedMeFit Welcome Pack with simple worksheets & resources that will assist you in building better habits
See also  Embark on Your Meatless Journey with Karolina's Experienced Guidance

BONUS: virtual live sessions (total body hiit workout, meditation, yoga, pilates, and guest speakers)


Hi friends, I’m Maggie Shih. Since the moment I was able to walk, movement has been engraved into my DNA from dancing to running track to strength training. After receiving an education in Kinesiology, I worked in the health and fitness industry in San Francisco as a Certified Personal Trainer, Plant-Based Holistic Nutritionist, & Registered Yoga Teacher.

Through the last decade of working with tech/executive clients, along with my own personal health journey, I’ve realized my specialty is catering to those that have minimal time to spare and feel stuck in a cycle of yo-yo diets and short lived fitness challenges. I’ve designed my program to flow around your high demanding schedule and maintain sustainable results.

I help busy bosses ditch the diet cycle, keep weight off, feel energized and focused, enjoy fitness, and be able to live the lifestyle desired without being overwhelmed or restricted.

My passion lies in sharing everything health related with others and make sure your time is optimized – I cannot wait be your partner through your health journey and watch you thrive!

Please check out some great client’s reviews in my links! Feel free to check out my page and let’s work together to get you to your healthiest self!

Book your FREE discovery call with me today!

Maggie | Plant Based Nutritionist & Fitness Coach

Read more about Maggie and how she helps on-the-go bosses ditch diets, feel their best, find health sustainably via plant-based eating & movement